Short Terms

  • Short Terms

How to use?

For student
Find a suitable teacher in the list -> book a lesson -> wait for confirmation -> study. By paying a lesson on the site we guarantee the safety of your funds. The money will be transferred to the teacher’s account after you confirm that the lesson is complete. In case you forget to confirm the lesson, we will do it automatically 48 hours after the end of the lesson. After lesson you can give feedback and evaluate the quality of teacher services. Your feedback will be very useful to other users of the site.
For tutor
Wait for the application from the student or use the search applications in social networks search applications in social networks. For the accessibility of your profile in the search and for accessing the application references register on the site, get the status of teacher, complete the courses (subjects that you teach, indicating the cost and topics of the classes), fill in the available time schedule. Search applications in social networks is free of charge! If you find a student and conduct classes with him, you do not need to tell us about this and do not need to pay anything. However, if you thank our programmer for this wonderful service with any amount, he will be very grateful to you.

What is the commission?

All site services are free of charge.