biscarra. Open, convenient, useful.

We created an open platform for finding tutors. Simple and useful.
We are committed to developing the project so that access to knowledge becomes more convenient.
Stay with us!

Idea biscarra — Open Features

We are convinced that access to knowledge must be open. It is important to be able to find the right tutors. It is important to be able to be found by interested students. The platform will always be open, and profile placement and search - free.

Goal biscarra — Erasing borders

The global network overcomes natural geographical limitations. Now it is possible to find and engage with a tutor from any scientific center, regardless of your place of residence. We strive to overcome the importance of distance, and make the opportunity to gain knowledge of the universal.

Advantage biscarra — Direct contact

Ask a question, agree on a format, make a schedule ... All this is convenient to do directly. We are sure that in the communication between the student and the tutor, there is no need for an intermediary. And we promise to adhere to the rule of direct contact. You can always solve organizational problems quickly.

Priority biscarra — Ease of use

We tried to make the platform convenient. This is our first project in the field of education. We continue to work on everything that was not taken into account in the preparation for the first launch. Our team intends to develop the project, focusing on the convenience, simplicity and clarity of the interface. Stay with us!